Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Coming soon...

I love to craft, in an ideal world I'd have much more time than I do to do all kinds of crafty things. I'd bake more, I'd have a bash at making my own clothes and generally make rather than buy where I could.
Unfortunately life gets in the way of this utopian vision of mine. I go to work, I look after the boy and attempt to keep the house from being taken over by toys, books, paper and other detritus. And if that sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not, I count myself singularly fortunate to have a job I love, a small boy to wonder at and a house to roll my eyes at the mess in. What it does mean is that I have rather a lot of half finished projects all clamouring for my attention. And they will get done, eventually.
Here's what I'm going to do; I'm going to make a list of the projects, and one by one I'm going to work through them and I'm going to document them here. Because that's sort of what it's here for.
So, first on the list (because its almost finished anyway) is a cross stitch for the boy's room. It's Elmer the elephant and his grey elephant friends. I'm on the last of the four elephants and then it just needs the boy's name stitched on and we're done. Phew, that was easy.
Then I'm going to finish the cardigan I started for myself. It's a beautiful brown, soft, chunky wool using a pattern that I already have made in grey wool. Once you get going, because the wool is chunky it takes no time at all. She says, trying to convince herself.
Then I'm going to start a blanket. This explains why. It will also give me the chance to try out some of the new knitting stitches in a book I got for my birthday. So not totally altruistic.
Then I need to knit hats for the boy and his cousin, because it will be winter by the time I've some all those other things. Probably.
Watch this space! Photos to follow - if I can figure out how!

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